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Friday, July 28, 2006
  Oh Dear This Is Funny I like Kleinheider okay but he is wrong. The thing is I don't think you get it. What do you, the reader, think? I stand beside my statement. If you run in a primary, and then you don't like the result, I don't blame you for pursuing a write in, so just give the cash back. There are rules. Run as an independent if you don't want to play by the rules that you agreed by. BUT, dear, sweet Kleinheider, if you pick a party and then decide that because you lose the primary then your going to play hardball by namecalling, that isn't playing by the rules THAT YOU AGREED BY. You still have cool, blue eyes, but I so disagree. We are living it here. Come on over A.C. You can see how this actually works. If you're going to take party money, then follow party lines. Then abide by the party lines. Or run independent. 
Well, John. He is a big boy, I think he can handle it.
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