Newscoma Has Moved
Friday, July 28, 2006
  Weakley Reader The past few weeks in this election year have been less than compelling other that the Bryant/Corker Chicken incident. In the local general election next week, we only have one contested race for Sheriff and then the write -in race that our incumbent county mayor lost in the primary (Ron Gifford) running against the man who actually won (Houston Patrick.) Gifford is unhappy he lost (I've mentioned this before) and blames the primary system and that only one out of five people voted. My argument hasn't changed. You participate in the primary, you follow the primary outcome as those parties give you money. In Obion County, incumbent county mayor Gaylon Long came in third out of four candidates and he is also running a write-in campaign. THIRD, I'm telling you. What is it with the Joe Lieberman mind-set? I came into a bit of information that I needed to discuss with our county mayor on Wednesday but he was in a meeting in Nashville. As I have reported many times before, he refuses to get a cell phone so I couldn't get in contact with him. Small town newspapers do not have cartoonists usually, but I do (hee). We ran one on Gifford yesterday. I don't think he liked it, but that's the way it goes. He no longer calls himself a democrat, but in all honesty he's always called himself a constitutional confederate. Get back to me if you know what that is because I sure as hell haven't found much on it. Weakley County is, as I've mentioned before, Ned McWherter's back yard so for year's everyone voted blue but now those times have changed. Ed Bryant has been the only GOP candidate to visit and the local Republicans seem quite smitten with him, although I don't know if its that he is from Jackson or because they are just darned pleased to have him actually come by to meet and greet. Harold Ford Jr. came last year and a guy from dresden bought him a pair of pants (I'm not kidding) at the local sundry store. The sheriff's race has been somewhat underwhelming. Our current sheriff has been in office since 1982. He's never gotten in trouble as some sheriff's do, he's diplomatic and seems to be a very decent administrator. That's a good thing. The guy running against him is named Jeff Hazlewood, who has been in law enforcement in Gleason. I don't think he has much administrative background, which in all honesty, is imperative in a sheriff's race. He also sorta looks like Lt. Dangle from Reno 911 which gives me hours and hours of amusement. Do you think we can convince Ned to open up his beer distributership on election night? I'm sure I can stomach some Bud while the results come in. I know. I doubt it too. 
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