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Thursday, December 07, 2006
  We Are In Trouble Over Here The USW Local 878L in Union City is holding a rally this Saturday at their union hall for members and their families of strikers. The strike against Goodyear entered its second month on Tuesday and I think it goes without saying that a bone-weary cold, more than just the weather I might add, has fallen on the members who are striking. Picketing has not stopped. Why isn't Tennessee's mainstream media covering this story? We have been but it impacts our community. Retiree Health Care remains on the top of the list for the strike and insurance from Cobra goes into effect next month which will cost thousands of dollars per individual per month.

The price for continued coverage will jump under COBRA, a federal law allowing workers to remain covered while on strike or after leaving a company.

Goodyear says COBRA coverage will cost a family $1,000 a month.

Now the union is currently supplying vouchers to workers and a bonus of $100 for Christmas is planned. That's not a lot of money to live on. But the situation is getting worse when you read this report from Canada. I do implore that larger media take a look at the Goodyear strike from around the state. We are in trouble over here. On a more positive note, on Monday, retirees and the union are holding a Christmas party for the children of striking members who are in a financially dire place. This is important. 
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