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Thursday, December 14, 2006
  A Letter To Homer Dear Homer, I will return tomorrow as I had to return to SQ. Please send vegetables to your older sister as I am suffering from scurvy. Also, please make sure Mabel is okay as I've heard she is throwing canine glamour fits and spreading dog food all over the house in a petulant fit of doggie pissedoffedness. Ready to return to the commune more than you will ever know and ready for a week's sleep, which unfortunately, I don't thing I'm going to get. Please don't even ask me about work today as I missed some things I wanted to go to and I was sort of wondering if things are going to get better. Not so sure if that's gonna happen. And as we have the Christmas bash on Saturday that I have no idea if we are ready for but we can just let everyone drink Pabst Blue Ribbon that might suffice and Sausage Balls, which are Smiley's favorites from what I understand. As for Squeegee Monkey's message on the evite, tell him he is a very bad person because everyone is wondering who he is. I'm just telling them that he is mentally challenged and that you are feeding him pureed peas because his brain waves don't work very well. Much love from your very, very tired, almost zombie-like older sibling who needs a nap, NC 
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