Newscoma Has Moved
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
  Thanksgiving Tequila In honor of Thanksgiving, the Rodent Queen and I are having Margaritas at the moment which we are quite grateful for. Not so good with the turkey, but we don't like turkey that much anyway. Happy Thanksgiving Eve. 
Andhow jealous am I? One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, four. Actually, I'm just one tequila jealous. Happy Thanksgiving!
In the NiT House this weekend.
You'll do great!
I'll have a margarita for your weekend gig.
Drink one for me! Hey, drink three or four!!

Happy Thanksgiving to the Hooterville Two!
I have been a fan of yours for quite some time. That said, it is important to note that THERE IS NO WORM IN TEQULIA!

I come close to worshipping this amazing nectar of the agave plant. People just don't know....

Be well, and have a great Thanksgiving.
Am having one w/ you in my mind!
Miss you both!
Toasting you with a nice Pinot Noir!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Howdy folks.
Glad to have you here.
No worms in the agave and everyone is welcome.
Let's toast to Thanksgiving and anything else that crosses our path.
And Mr. Mack: Glad to have you.I read you quite frequently as well.
And Grinchy: Pinot Noir is excellent but I've moved over to a nice Merlot this fine evening. Tylenol before bed. Perhaps Pinto Noir tomorrow.
It's 9:30 and RUAbelle and Nellie are both snoring heavily next to me. I'm thinking of y'all and (gently so not to wake them) raising a glass to you and the RQ.

Happy Thanksgiving, best new friends of 2006.
That looks awesome. I make a nice turkey enchilada that would go well with that margarita.
Turkey enchiladas sounds pretty darn good, Vol Abroad.
I spent Thanksgiving in Amsterdam once.
Of course, they didn't have Thanksgiving but I threw a big bash anyway and we had a big time.
Have a great Thanksgiving high up on that mountain.
Yeah, I did walk that bridge and heights terrify me.
I was trying to impress you.
Happy Turkey Day, everyone.
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