Newscoma Has Moved
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
  Small Yet Signficant Rodent Queen made her on small stand today for the rights of everyone. Darnit, I wish she posted more on her blog. Here is her election story because she won't post it herself. She was going into her home precinct. A person asked her to vote for a republican candidate and Yes on Amendment No. 1. She told them she would not being voting yes on Amendment No. 1 but he put a brochure in her hand anyway. I guess she didn't want it. She wadded it up and tossed it in the trashcan as she entered the precinct. He watched her do it. Not a big deal but a big deal for her. She voted No. Small, but significant for her. And for me. And for countless others who don't want their government to become knee-jerk.. Tennessee, we don't need to make amendments on things like this. 
How I wosh more people had voted like her!
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