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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
  No Get Out of Jail Free Card For Captain Jack Well, I'm headed back to work today which I'm actually looking forward to as my brain sort of goes bad when I spend to much time by myself as you can see from the self-indulgent dribble I wrote a couple of posts down. However, this day, I'm not having the sort of day that Jack Abramoff is going to have.

Abramoff is to report to federal prison to begin serving a nearly six-year prison sentence for a fraudulent deal to buy a fleet of casino ships in Florida. He also is awaiting sentencing for corrupting government officials and their staff members.

If it were up to the Justice Department, Abramoff wouldn't be heading to prison -- at least not yet. He could hold the key to a sweeping corruption case involving Congress, members of the Bush administration and their aides -- and prosecutors said putting their star witness behind bars would impede the investigation.

I can't help but think if Captain Jack is going to be handing over more information. But, it also appears he might be handing information over about the democrats, although I have no idea why he hasn't done this earlier.

Sources close to the investigation say Abramoff has provided information on his dealings with and campaign contributions and gifts to "dozens of members of Congress and staff," including what Abramoff has reportedly described as "six to eight seriously corrupt Democratic senators."

My initial response to this is why has he waited. Don't get me wrong, he's been hesitant to give up a great deal of info and his relationship with Karl Rove is still under a great deal of dark scrutiny.

But why wait. He is looking to serve six years. He is now going to be incarcerated in a prison closer to Washington as prosecutors want access to him.

We will see.

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