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Wednesday, November 01, 2006
  Happy Birthday Lowe Finney In this run-down in the Jackson Sun's Opinions section, some kind words for Lowe Finney. I think the writer was right on target with his assessment.
The race that has been a pleasant surprise is Lowe Finney's challenge to Don McLeary for the state Senate representing Carroll, Gibson and Madison counties. Finney is building momentum rapidly and campaigns tirelessly. Meanwhile, I have found McLeary's TV commercials problematic as they extol his legislative record but fail to point out that whatever meaningful thing he accomplished was done as a Democrat with Democratic support. It probably helps to be a Democrat when the governor and lieutenant governor are also Democrats, in fact I believe McLeary's record would be very different, probably invisible, had he taken the low road earlier and traded parties sooner. The good news is that Finney's challenge has evolved from an anti-McLeary race into a very strong pro-Finney effort in its own right with widespread support. People just like Lowe. I believe he is our next state senator, and ought to be.
Lowe Finney deserves a shot. I'm biased here because I know Lowe and if I could vote for Finney, I would.
I think he would have a seat at the table with Bredesen and Tanner if he were to win, which might get some things accomplished for northwest Tennessee. McLeary won't have those open doors available to him. I'm not being ugly, politics is ugly. And where are all the rallying members of his new party? And one questions I have that I honestly don't know the answer to. Did McLeary give the money back to the Democrats? Just asking. By the way, Lowe. Happy Birthday. You are now in your thirties. Know you know how it feels. (inside joke.) 
Nice article. Just an all around good guy, that Lowe.
Glad you're back to your regular blogging self!
Thank you. He is one of the good ones.
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