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Friday, November 24, 2006
  Forget Bigfoot, We Have A Zombie Lawsuit It's Zombie Time.

A group of zombies have risen up to claim the city of Minneapolis and Hennepin County violated their free rights and discriminated against them.

The six adults and one juvenile who were arrested while impersonating the undead in July filed their lawsuit Thursday.

The ragged group were arrested for "simulating weapons of mass destruction" during a dance party near the Minneapolis entertainment district.

And there is mugshot goodness with this story. Although, some of the zombies sort of look like they are tired from an all-night shift at the 7-11.

As we all know, zombies have rights too. I just don't want to die being eaten by a zombie.

That would be humiliating.

Sure has been a lot of zombie talk this week! I know I'm responsible for some of it but wow. I might be looking over my shoulder the rest of this weekend. Eaten by zombies is not my choice in demise either.

However, now, if I were eaten by Bigfoot - that would be different.

If Bigfoot's a carnivore, which I assume he is (I really don't know?)...
He apparently doesn't like frat boys who eat jerky, according to the ads for Jack's Links.
Of course, I see Bigfoot as a kind soul until he's pissed off.
Then, Hell hath no fury like a Sasquatch scorned.
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