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Tuesday, October 03, 2006
  John Falls Off The End Of The Earth And you thought it was round, but nope. Met up with John last night accompanied by Beth and RQ and it was wonderful. John is wicked smart and it was nice to have an evening without having to edit ourselves. He came into our world, and had a reuben that wasn't a reuben at a local cheesy sports bar. You see, that's how it hangs here. Almost but no cigar. John helped me kick off the birthday week. When we met up with him, Beth and I had just been pulling out our hair over the pending Goodyear strike and we needed to relax. One thing, John and I both love Bass beer. Of course he was responsible and only had one. It was my birthday celebration, so I had three or four. It's my birthday (well not until Saturday) and I can drink Bass if I want to, Bass if I want to. You'd drink Bass too if it happened to you. (Lesley Gore, where are you when we need you.?) In taking Beth-o back to her car, we found out a buddy of ours has just been hired by the Jackson Sun, so we hung with her a moment but then RQ and I took our old asses home. The thing is, meeting with new, and old, friends is great. We don't have the luxury of meeting up at the Mothership, and I must say, that is something we covet. So John brought it to us because he had a business thingy he had to do in Union City and for this, I will always be smitten with him. And with John, like I said, no editing. There is something so wonderfully enriching about talking with like-minded people where we can talk without censoring ourselves, and John allows you to do that. Yeah, we're dirty liberals but we're good at it. So, thank you John, Beth and RQ for a lovely night out on the town. Oh, yeah, John, we did say we wished there was a democrat running for Senate. You called that right. 
Sounds like a great time! Happy Birthday!!
Ahhhhhhhhh.. to be around bonafide liberals. I'm so jealous!
But I think that might be an arrestable offense here in Monroe County.
The pleasure, as they say...was mostly all mine.

I'm at Paris Landing this morning, in the one corner of the lobby that picks up the 'wi-fi' signal. guess it's too much to expect that could actually get the 'signal' in our actual rooms!

Beautiful place, here. Ate catfish last night...heading back across this river this afternoon. this is an interesting world you have here in West Tenn, but I have a lot to learn about you flatlanders.

You're the best!
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