Newscoma Has Moved
Monday, September 04, 2006
  R.I.P. I think it goes without saying that the unfortunate death of Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin is tragic, just because he was fun and a goofball to watch on television. I may irritate people with what I'm going to say, but soldiers are dying regularly in this time of war and we don't give them this much attention. I realize Irwin was a celebrity and there in lies the media frenzy. He compelled us. We liked him because he appeared to be one of the good guys and he was pretty much forgiven after the unfortunate episode of holding his infant over a righteous looking crocodile. I'm sure his family is devastated and his children will miss him desperately and for this I'm truly sorry for his family, as his wife was apart of his television life, as were his kids. We knew their faces. After having read Kevin's take (and backlash) over at NiT, I believe he has a point although there is no doubt he was somewhat crass in his headline. My take on his words were that you "live by the sword, then you die by the sword" sort of analogy. This, of course, is my opinion because I have no idea what anybody thinks. Irwin entertained his viewers by messing with dangerous animals. He accidentally boxed in a stingray, and the stingray stabbed him with his barb. This was not something that Irwin could have ever expected, I'm thinking. No one could prepare for that, and if you remember his Fed Ex Commercial, he even poked fun at himself about living on the edge. He lived dangerously, and ultimately that is what ended his life. But there are good things to this as well, because he did preach about the need to conserve the natural resources we have and to respect the animals that live on this planet. He was a good teacher on that count. And he taught a good lesson. Enjoy your life. Live it to the fullest because you never know when its going to end. 
I really liked the Crocodile Hunter. I was shocked and saddened upon hearing about the stingray barb in his heart. How sad. Although his profession was dangerous, he did bring us many hours of fascinating TV that was both fun and chocked full of info.
Well said. I think he went out the way he wanted to.. tempting the fates.
And yes.. why do we not hear this much about our soldiers? They hardly get a 2-liner on page 15 now.
i rather puzzled by the reaction to this one incident as well.
it kinda creeps me out their is such media love fer death, and cameras veer from a side street in Basra to the Australian coast so swiftly, that all context seems to blur.

is it that there is disappointment or satisfaction he failed to cheat death?
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