Newscoma Has Moved
Sunday, September 03, 2006
  Bigfoot Silence Broken, By Gawd Okay, you guys know my Bigfoot obsession. (This as well as zombies, vampires and an odd obsession with the nastiness of Big Brother on 24 hours a day. This is all my friend Chris Brinkley's fault, as he turned me on to this as a psychological experiment in greed, which we now know we are just voyeurs watching a bunch of wannabees win some spending money.) Well how about this out of Tuscon.
Footprints in the mud. Tufts of hair on a fence. Ear-piercing screeches in the night. These are only fragments of the stories now coming from the White Mountains in Eastern Arizona.
For years the White Mountain Apache Nation has kept the secret within tribal boundaries. “We're not prone to easily talk to outsiders,” said spokeswoman Collette Altaha. “But there have been more sightings than ever before. It cannot be ignored any longer.”
It is a creature the world knows as “Bigfoot”. “No one's had a negative encounter with it,” said Marjorie Grimes, who lives in Whitewater, the primary town on the reservation. Grimes is one of many who claim to have seen the creature over the last 25 years. Her first sighting was in 1982. Her most recent was in the summer of 2004, driving home from the town of Cibecue. She becomes more animated as the memory comes forth. “It was all black and it was tall! The way it walked; it was taking big strides. I put on the brakes and raced back and looked between the two trees where it was, and it was gone!”
Holy Moly. I'm telling you. World Weekly News needs to hire me for two reasons: 1. My absolute adoration of Bigfoot and alien abductions. 2. I know Rodent Queen, who is really good at photoshop. We could jazz up the joint. 
the look on the lumberjack's face is in the quote from the wife.

You'd think that lumberboy would've learned a few tricks to take back to the marriage...
You'd think he would.
But I'm not sure if this lumberjack has all his marbles.
BF is one hell of a guy, I'm guessing.
And aren't all those rags based somewhere around Boca Raton? Y'all should definitely do it. We'll all come visit and I promise to string you Tennessee stories.
Boca Raton sounds awesome.
And I will be awesome.
A regular Kolchak.
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