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Sunday, September 17, 2006
  Becoming Fearless Over at the Huffington Post, there is a new section called "Becoming Fearless." I realize Arianna Huffington has a book about this now, but the concept of what her and contributors to this book are trying to accomplish is a good thing if you ask me. Don't worry, it's not all about politics, it's about overcoming fear and on how people have tried, and sometimes failed, to conquer their fears. Many of the posts are from women, and the issue of having fear dictate us and our level of sabotaging ourselves to run away from our inner fears is stressed by different bloggers. So, in my own way, I've internalized some of this. My fear is simple. Rejection (of course), not being a good role model, not being the bad girl rebel I enjoy, not finding spiritual balance etc., which all fall into what role my self-worth is about, which changes day to day. Not being good enough. I fear my career is out of whack. I fear growing older and not being able to take care of myself. These are all basic and most people go through this, I think. But after reading this, I did determine that I do things that scare me and for a moment, I felt a burst of empowering. A good role model for being fearless in blogging is Aunt B. She is not only a gifted writer but she doesn't mind taking on the establishment or expressing her opinion about what others have written to create a dialogue. Kat Coble is another good example of speaking her mind. But being fearless is not easy. It's easier to cower. It's easier to hide. Maybe it's time for us all to recognize that not only as a country, but as individuals, that fear must be recognized and we must all walk through it together. 
Excellent post! Made me start thinking about what scares me.. it's almost enough to make me go back to bed & cover my head.
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