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Sunday, September 10, 2006
  Beanie Weanie So, you want to know about the Tennessee Soybean Festival in Martin. I could tell you did. It was, dare I say it as I will sound like an optimist, fun. It was a good time. It really was. Beth Cravens, cartoonist extradonaire, and I hung out most of the week and Rodent Queen was busy actually working and I was done with working. I decided to make this weekend crisis free, just add water. Cravens and I missed the Queen because she is the responsible one in the group, but then again, we were like tenth-graders whose mom had left us alone with an open-filled bar and cigarettes for the weekend. I was not into the work as I have had a really crappy month so I drank beer with Cravens. We have become quite good at this. We have mad skillz, and Tammy Lynette was hysterical and so much fun that we got to run away from the real world for a little while. Her blog is coming and it will knock your socks off. Anyway, we went to the BBQ cook-off on Friday with our "hidden" cooler that was sitting out in the open and I ate dove. I have never eaten dove before and it wasn't bad except it was sort of creepy looking. I eat sushi, so a little bbq'd dove wasn't going to hurt me although I do not anticipate this being on the Doctor's menu anytime soon. The Spin Doctors played Thursday night. Wasn't my gig and we weren't paying attention. 38 Special played during the cook-off. I must say that I remembered their name but not a damn song they sang but they did alright although it's not what I listened to growing up. (I was a B-52's, Cramps and Talking Heads teen.) I dug the crowd. Seventy year old grandma's and five year olds jamming to "Hold on Loosely" is a sight I won't soon forget but the band made fun of things that I make fun of (like themselves) so I liked that and they seemed pretty in tune and lowkey about playing a Soybean Festival. Diamond Rio played last night, and I'm sure they are fine but I didn't care so I didn't go and watched The Matador with Pierce Brosnan instead, which was fabulous. Of course, the Rolling Rock made everything bright and pretty but it was fun. Welcome to rural America. Don't judge, it was a hoot. Come next year and play with us. You can have a carny corndog, homemade fried pies and C-List bands who are actually sort of fun to watch as they changed in an abandoned dance studio next to the main stage downtown Martinvegas. Oh, rural living. There are times that I love it. It just the other 51 weeks of the year that can be sorta odd. Not bad, just odd. 
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