Newscoma Has Moved
Friday, August 11, 2006
  They Are Coming As I sit and write this post, I don't know what to say. Sgt. Dustin Laird will be buried tomorrow. And Westboro Baptist Church is coming. I'm not linking to them. That's what they want. I won't give them that satisfaction. I have seen a family devastated by the loss of their child. He was 23 years old and was killed by an IED last week. His father's pain is blinding. He just wants to bury his son. The Patriot Guard is also coming. I will link to them. This is a small town. The entire county is roughly 31,000 people. I have gone to restaurants and seen people openly crying. Signs line the street with condolences to the Laird family. Bikes are slowly becoming visible, and I noticed one truck holding one of the finest looking Harleys I've ever seen. The truck had Georgia tags. In some way, it feels the oxygen has been sucked out of this community, and the anger directed at Westboro is intense. I read the hate-filled flyer Westboro has on-line. It made me physically ill. This family doesn't deserve this. 
This news makes me very angry.

I know all about the Westboro clan. I know they have a right to freedom of speech. I wish they understood the pain and grief they cause to already greiving families.

Martin doesn't need that kind of media attention.
My grandparents are buried a few miles from what was their home in Martin. After a lifetime of childhood summers spent visiting there, I went to college there. It is a quiet town where everyone is related by birth, marriage or friendship. The people of Martin are much stronger than the ugly and weak vultures who deserve no publicity.
As you may know, I've blogged on the activities of the Westboro kooks for the past year or so. I didn't feel what they were doing was getting attention at the time. That has changed and I have stopped.

Having said that, I'm glad you reported that they will be in the area. That needs to be made known.

C'mon, Westboro...drink the Kool-Aid already and be done with it.
I agree that highlighting the insane, dangerous madness of Westboro is good in that it warns people of an actual problem, like: Danger!! Falling Psychos!!

Having read some of the investigative reports into this small family of lunatics, complete with allegations of child abuse akin to the Koresh madness, they need to be placed under intense scrutiny.
I have an Iraqi-vet nephew who rides his bike in the Patriot Guard to drown out the rantings of the hate-mongers.

How very sad for Dustin's family & friends.. I pray angels around them all.
Thank you for your compassionate reporting, newscoma.
This is what I saw today.
And it was pretty damn cool.
The Patriot Guard and the local law enforcement guys went above and beyond.They did everything in their power to help the Lairds not see everything.
It was rather awesome.
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