Newscoma Has Moved
Monday, August 07, 2006
  BP To Shut Down Some Oil Wells in Alaska Around here, we've been told to expect the worse when it comes to oil prices. At three bucks a gallon, I thought that was pretty bad, but some of the oil guys around here say it's about to spiral out of control. And then I read this article this morning.
Oil company BP has indefinitely shut down the nation's biggest oilfield after finding a pipeline leak, removing about 8 percent of U.S. oil production and stoking fears that already high gas prices will shoot up further.

Steve Marshall, president of BP Exploration Alaska Inc., said Sunday night that the eastern side of Prudhoe Bay would be shut down first, an operation anticipated to take 24 to 36 hours. The company will then move to shut down the west side, a move that could close more than 1,000 Prudhoe Bay wells.

Once the field is shut down, BP said oil production will be reduced by 400,000 barrels a day. That's close to 8 percent of U.S. oil production or about 2.6 percent of U.S. supply including imports, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

This is sorta scary for those of us who live out of our car for our jobs which means we will be losing money to work for someone else. This was my first reaction. I'm sure I'll have more.

My 1st reaction to reading this headline on Huffington Post, was that the whole thing was a plot to reach that $5 a gallon plateau.
Isn't it sad that one learns to distrust the govt so badly, that conspiracy theories are the 1st thing to rush to one's mind.. no matter what the news?
I can't wait to get our country back.
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