Newscoma Has Moved
Monday, July 31, 2006
  Link Bink Banana Fana So much going on and I don't even know where to start: Castro handed over some power while he gets an operation. Mel is in Rehab. Mugshot not nearly as bad as Nick Nolte, who wasn't as mean but looked much worse. Bush has dismissed cease-fire plans although I don't really know why he doesn't think that people shooting at each sorta stopping might not be a good idea. What is a memory defense? Anyone. Sharon Cobb has an offer which I have considered myself. CeeElCee, Boobies? Well of Course, that's all cable is for. Direct TV is for Shark Week, because Shark Week is cool. That and Ernest Angley. I'm with you here, although I remember the Rev. Gene Scott who really used to not only weird me out but also made me watch him after copious amounts of beer. And the video was always bad, which sort of endeared me to him even though he was bat poop crazy. 
Memory defense? Um...

I've got nothing.
Mel Gibson is still hot...drunk or sober...I'd take him.

Mr. Smiff and his buddy Tom Littlefield used to like to get high and watch the Right Reverend Scott.
John, you are so right. He was very strange and oddly compelling.
Gibson is hot, Sista. I agree. If only he had a mute button.
Aw pshaw...I still say that had the policeman been a evangelical Christian and Mel said nasty things to him about his being a Christian, nobody would've cared.
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