Newscoma Has Moved
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
  Crazy Cat Ladies This is too weird. Let's just go with the facts:
Two sisters have been charged with abuse of a corpse. It was their mom. The body was found because of the multitude of cats in the house (more than 100) The remains were in a tupperware container (Huh?)
Now this story, destined for the pages of Weekly World News, is brought to you today by the good folks at WBOC.

According to court records, the decomposed remains of Haas were found in a large blue tupperware container in a bedroom closet. Also according to court records, the body appears to have been in the container for about a year.

Police say they were first called to the home on Jefferson Court on Friday to remove about 110 cats and three dogs from unsanitary conditions. Police and animal control officers began removing the cats on Friday and returned on Monday to finish up the job. They say that is when they found the resident's decomposed body.

Look at the pictures. We got not one, but two crazy cat ladies.

That must have been a small lady or a large tupperware container.
Talk about not being able to let go of your mom...'crazy cat ladies' is a rather mild assessment...:)
meow, meow, meow

Those poor crazy cat ladies were just too, too busy cleaning out the litter box to get around to giving their dead mom a proper burial.
What actually MAKES this story is the tupperware. Do you think they 'burped' the container to attempt to keep their mom fresh?
Almost like a modern day version of those sisters in "Arsenic and Old Lace."
The leftover lasagna in a Tupperware bowl that was going to be my lunch is now in the trash.
As Julie said, just how big was that tupperware bowl? Yikes.
.... and they cat ladies are smiling .

maybe its the fresh aroma of jail ...
Um, ew.
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