Newscoma Has Moved
Thursday, July 27, 2006
  Annoying Autobiographical Pause You know. This last week has been weird. I watch on television bombs (more than a thousand of the damned things) flying through the air. You hear of all the people dying in the middle east, and then I head out to eat a slice of pizza and a draught of beer and it makes me wonder why things are the way they are. Children are looking to the skies trying their best to avoid bombs on both sides. The elections here are next week, which means craziness will abound. At my job, things haven't been bad. For the most part I like it. Office politics irritates me at times, but other than that, great. Oh yeah, I won a couple of TPA awards last week and placed in the top five for news story and editorial. That's pretty cool. Rodent Queen got a first place nod for best feature photograph. She really is amazing. I should be celebrating, right? Personal reasons have put me in the dumps, but I'm usually an optimistic person. As my mother always used to say "This too shall pass ..." And it is. 
Well congratulations on your recognitions! I'm such a whore for that pat-on-the-head-thing, so am extra happy when people I know and like are recognized! Good job!
Congrats to the Rodent Queen and I hope you get your dauber out of the dirt soon.

Wishing you happiness from the midstate.

Smooches, and congratulations.
Congratulations!! See, your mom is right. All that work HAS been worth it. :)
Awards are few and far between and big congrats for yours and Squirrel's success.

Now someone just needs to park a pile of cash on the doorstep as well!! (if they do can i borrow five bucks??)
I'm looking for this bag 0 money my self.
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