Newscoma Has Moved
Friday, July 21, 2006
  Albertini Says He Wasn't Drunk Has the Albertini thing taken a turn? Kleinheider is writing about that he spoke to the GOP candidate just moments ago with the results at Volunteer Voters. Mike Silence says the charge have been dropped as well. And Trent Seibert with the Tennessean says he spoke to the candidate and he assures constituents he was not drunk. There are two sides to every story. I'm just posting on what's going on in the blogosphere. It goes without saying that everyone is innocent before proven guilty after having been arrested. But this can't fare well with Albertini, as he was running second to Jim Bryson in the primary for the GOP slot against Bredesen. Just trying to be fair here. 
If he wasn't drunk, it's only fair that retractions be made. It would be interesing to know how or why it was suspected that he was drunk and how that led to him being arrested, and incarcerated, from what I can tell , at least for some brief period of time.
I agree. The thing is that when the story comes out, I believe that the other side should be told as well. On this one, I'm not editoralizing because I don't have the information.
We've agreed twice in one day, Barbie.
Lookee, sweetie, this is off topic, but--you're a square peg in a round hole---

"We’re adults, right? So let’s talk straight about the liberal U.S. news media. Which is to say, that part of the news media populated by social liberals. Which is to say, probably a majority of people still in the national press, particularly writers and reporters.

I say news people, rather than news organizations, because this is an important distinction when it comes to bias, especially in this day of increasing media ownership by big corporations and the influence of their political ties on the news they disseminate.

And national, as opposed to local, because, as citizens, news people tend to share the concerns and politics of the localities they serve. The smaller and less urban a market is, the more conservative its reporters are likely to be, while the larger, more diverse markets attract news people of a more liberal bent...Mainstream Media, Why So Liberal?

(I cracked up when I read the title)
"We've agreed twice in one day, Barbie"

This cannot be a good thing and possibly could sign the end of the world, ya think?
Definitely. :)
Nunya, you and I are on the same page much more often.
Thanks for the article.
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