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Thursday, June 29, 2006
  New Gore, Not Like The Old Gore Al Gore is interviewed by Rolling Stone.

Gore's renewed visibility has only fueled speculation that this is all part of a carefully orchestrated plan to launch his third bid for the presidency. Although Gore refuses to rule it out, he suggests that he's having too much fun, and is too engaged in his various business interests, to subject himself to the endless slog of political life.

It's not unreasonable to hope that Gore runs, but the dream of a Gore candidacy also underscores the pathetic core of today's Democratic Party: It has become so unusual to hear a mainstream Democratic politician speak from a sense of conviction that when one does, people practically start begging him to run.

But Gore really does seem to have put politics behind him. Whereas his one-time partner Bill Clinton clearly loves the game, Gore speaks of the political process as "toxic" and frames his arguments in purely moral terms. And one wonders: If he does decide to run again, will the New Gore go back to listening to his political advisers, or will he continue to follow his heart?

So good for Gore. I honestly don't think he gives a shit what anyone thinks at this point, he's been there, done that, unlike Harold Ford Jr. and Hillary Clinton right now.The story is decent. Gore keeps taking a beating but keeps plugging along. The funny thing is, that I like this new relaxed Gore. Here's the deal, no matter what he does, the neocons are going to hate him. Doesn't matter what he does. But I'm watching, because if the Democrats don't quit acting like a bunch of scared children, there will never be any balance. Gore gets a beating. Murtha gets a beating. Feingold gets a beating, but at least they aren't pandering to anyone right now.

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