22 Percent Of Registered Voters
Weakley County, where I have lived a large portion of my life, has a new county mayor.
Houston Patrick defeated incumbent
Ron Gifford. Alot of the issue had to do with voters not liking the fact that Gifford didn't have a cell phone or used a computer.
I know it sounds archaic. I've written editorials at the newspaper about this issue for th
e past year about how technology would help our county advance in it's quest of garnering attention for economic development. I've also given our incumbent mayor a bit of a hard time about his adamant refusal to use something as "nutty" as a cell, and that it made him look backwards and incompetent. I think the out-going mayor didn't realize I was reflecting the community's sentiments. How many times did I have to make carrier pigeon jokes in newsprint about this before the mayor started to get it?
Gifford is a hell of a nice guy though.
It's a hard knock, because many politicians are not giving the luxury to leave their elected offices on their own terms.
The thing that really hacked me tonight though was that only 22 percent of the registered voters actually went to the polls.
Jeez. I have voted in every election I can remember (I think I missed one about twenty years ago.) For me, and I can only speak for myself, my right to vote means everything. I take it very seriously.
Another thing about this election is that
Squirrels On Snark voted and she had a hanging chad (I AM NOT lying.) She put it back in the election machine and punched in her vote again, just to make sure. We're going electronic in August, so Woo-Hoo. (Is my sarcasm dripping enough for you?)
22 percent of registered voters. Not even one-quarter of voters didn't think going to the polls was necessary.
Now, we get geared up for August.