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Friday, April 21, 2006
  Dual Action Cleanse And Guess what Dual Action Cleanse cleans. In our Friday night effort to keep things light in a heavy world, I bring you this little ditty that is the latest in colonics. Not a laxative mind you. Also, probably not safe for work or people who are easily grossed out or offended by bad language. You know who you are so don't go if you don't like that. Oh gosh, just go to the site and see the video and know that infomercials are what makes the world go round. (Hat tip to Shakespeare's Sister

Okay, that is just seriously disturbing.
'I'll never forget the first time I saw my four year old's bowel movement, it scared me...hers are as long as her arm and as big around as my wrist.... I felt like mine are inadequate compared to hers'

Seriously, I was thinking that the other day when I changed my nieces diaper. Man if I could have some dingleberries like that, my life would improve ten fold. So, all i need is to surf the colonic wave and my life will get better. What a relief. I'm glad I'm not the only sick freak out there comparing my bowels to those of children and hoping and praying for an answer:)
Ok... so wait... you mean to tell me that people check out their kid's bowel movements all the time?
(Saying this while knowing that I am very interested in knowing the size and consistancy of my dog's bowel movements...)
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