Newscoma Has Moved
Sunday, March 26, 2006
  Day One I have been 24 hours without a cigarette. No killing of the three small dogs that live with me, no bludgeoning of friends or family, no real hostility thus far. I do have a patch, and no, don't send me an e-mail saying "I just put them down." Very encouraging to make me feel less than. Okay, so you are better than me, much stronger, yada, yada, yada. My niece has an ulcer and she can't eat certain things. I can give up the cigs so she isn't going without things alone. We made a pinky promise. I'm playing with a Slinky to keep my hands occupied and telling myself how much I hate smoking, although that isn't true, I'm telling myself this just the same. A little nervous, and the slinky is making a noise like I've never heard it's spinning in my hands so rapidly. I'm doing okay. 
You're doing okay as long as you don't try to LIGHT the Slinky.

Congrats on your efforts to quit.
Thanks. It's been alright except for the fits of zombie rage.
I'm just kidding. I have an incentive.
What incentive?

Mark Twain said something to this effect: "Quitting smoking is easy; I've done it lots of times."

If you go back to smoking, you can still hang with me.
Now Wintermute, You know I will.
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