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Saturday, January 28, 2006
  "It's a sin to kill a mockingbird" I am, at the moment, incredulous. When I was a kid, I read "To Kill A Mockingbird." I think it was on of the best novels ever written and it impacted me so much that I've re-read it several times since then. As I got older, my mother and I watched the movie, and it became a "thing" we did together once every couple of years. The book was divine, the movie was like sweet molasses on a summer day in Tennessee. It was real and honest and just plain awesome. Now, a petition has been filed in Williamson County is wanting it banned from the school system. I have no words for this. The Tennessean has it front page today with a copy of the petition. Last time I checked the poll the paper was running, the consensus was to keep eighth-graders reading it by a pretty high margin. That gives me a little hope. 
I read that article this morning and it reminded me of John Lithgow in Footloose. And that was over twenty years ago. How archaic.

All you can do is bristle at the ignorance and take heart that the informal poll on the Tennessean's website shows more than 90% of voters disagree with such a ban.

There's a teacher in Baltimore who blogs and is currently teaching Mockingbird to his class. I sent the article to him.
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