Newscoma Has Moved
Sunday, September 24, 2006
  Broken Corn, the oldest niece, broke her arm tonight. She is going to be okay, but, dammit, I hate it when I feel so powerless. She fell hard on her scooter and not only broke her arm, but scratched herself up pretty good and broke her glasses. She's home from the hospital now, and I have been so worried that I haven't gotten anything accomplished for tomorrow, which means for a long day. Love is hard when you can't help the ones you adore. I'm a sentimental old fool. I stayed with little sis, Bear, while the parentals took her sister to the ER. Bear wanted to know how it happened, why it happened and would it happen to her. I had no answers, but we ate dinner together and she tried to put beads in Rodent Queen's hair, but being that RQ has short hair, they wouldn't take which for me was, in some ways, disappointing because it might have elevated my mood. The things we do. Anyway, the emergency room didn't even put Corn's arm in a cast. That has to be done by the orthopedic surgeon. I never want to hear her cry like that again. 
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