Newscoma Has Moved
Saturday, March 25, 2006
  Losing Patience A couple of years ago, anyone that even suggested that the Iraq War was questionable judgement coming out of the White House, you were labeled "unpatriotic." I was even called one time a couple of year agos, a "Godless Liberal" and I'm not lying. Me and God are fine, mind you. My thoughts today seeing John McCain and Russ Feingold joining together is one of interest. Both Senators, both presidential hopefuls mind you, are telling Iraq's government that the American people's patience is running thin. But what I see is this, it's one of those message things that goes to Iraq's leaders, and to ours. Both men are also telling the White House that the American people's patience is coming to a close. Now, go on if you will about the liberal media. I'm the minority with my peers in northwest Tennessee. Many of the papers in my area are run by extremely conservative people in the media. In my office, we are balanced between conservatives and liberals, and there have been some heated exchanges, but our sentiments don't make the paper unless an editorial is written. I say that to say this, CNN always appears to me to lean toward the best way to gain viewers and make a buck and Fox is conservative so just because they say 'fair and balanced' it's only that if you agree with them. So, when mainstream media starts covering stories such as the temporary alliance between Feingold, who has called for censure of the president, and McCain, who is a decorated veteran, saying things of this nature, it only seems to me that maybe that 37 percent rating for Bush is starting to get Washington's attention. So we will wait and see. The story is here Sorry about this, but having trouble with Blogger but thought you might be interested in the story. 

(Just in case some West Tennessee Yahoo call you Godless)
Note: I am posting on her blog, not yours you yahoos.
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